This year Blake and I celebrated Thanksgiving with my side of the family. It's our first one in a long time. We always go down to south Georgia to see his extended family and cram all 10 of us immediate members into his mom's house for sleeping. I was happy to be home in my own bed this year. It also freed both of us up to do a few things we haven't been able to do. But before I get too far ahead.
How was your thanksgiving? What did you do? Did you have a big family lunch or dinner, or did you just have a quiet day at home? The entire Stallings clan, save for one cousin, gathered together at my uncle Brian's house for turkey day. He cooked 3 different turkeys. One was a trash can turkey, the other deep fried, and the last one was marinated and smoked. They were all so very delicious! The other food was fantastic and as usual, they went all out! It was truly fantastic. Thank you uncle Brian and Aunt Stephanie!

While it was a happy time, we were all thinking of my aunt Leslie. It is the first set of holidays without her. It's really tough, but we're doing our best to get through it. In honor of her, we all walked around the neighborhood after lunch in our first ever Thanksgiving Turkey Trott in memory of Aunt Leslie Stallings Currie. It was bitter sweet. We had fun and laughed and got our exercise. But it wasn't without a very real thought of how much we love her and miss her. Every day.
We were extra blessed to have my cousins Ken and Theresa and their children Hannah, Taylor, Kenzie, Emily, and Austin down to celebrate with us. It was wonderful and I always love seeing them. The children are amazing and growing up too quickly. Hannah is learning how to drive and will all too soon have a driver's license. She is beautiful and very smart. Ken better start worrying about the boys. And girls, let me tell you about Taylor - handsome! He is very sweet and quiet. But watch out, he loves to kid around too! Kenzie is amazing and beautiful. She can knit, something I hope to learn myself, is an avid reader and can light up a room. Emily is also beautiful and looks just like her mom. Austin is a very small version of Ken but looks just like Theresa. He has a fountian of energy and loves to play. Lauren really enjoyed playing with all of them.
ok, back to Thanksgiving. So, once we had all stuffed ourselves, took a picture, and trotted around the neighborhood, we had desert. Yummy. Too much to choose from, so I had chocolate covered strawberries. Thank you Angela for brining those. If I haven't said it enough, I love my family.
After we left uncle Brian's, Blake and I had enough time to come home, pack a bag for Lala and take a very short 30 minute nap. I know, only 30 minutes? Well, we'd been invited to the Falcon's game with my dad, and I really wanted to go. So, we dropped Lala off with my mom and headed to the GA Dome. The game was a bit exciting even though the Falcon's lost. It was nice to be with my dad and my uncle Mike and other cousins that have season tickets to the game. Thank you to Missy and David who gave us their tickets.
Anyhow, we didn't get home until 1:00 am, and I wanted to go shopping to get Lala some gifts. I'll have to go into that at a later date. Thanksgiving was great, we had so much fun and got to hit the Falcon's game, go shopping with the other crazy people on Black Friday and B got to go golfing with the men in the family. Great fun for us all!
1 comment:
aaww. that was really fun. I'm so happy you have a blog and will be checking it often=)Maybe that will be a modivation to post more=) Love you tons!!
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