Sweet Lexie is lost without her big sister. Every morning she comes down saying "Hey" to a sister that's already gone to school. So far, we've played blocks, called on the pretend phone, climbed into chairs and pulled stuff off of the counters and table, defeated the baby gate and made it upstairs into rooms that are not designed for babies. My challenge is presenting her with enough to do during the day, yet not so much as to bore her quickly. I have noticed in the last few days that she seems to be picking up words much faster than before. You can't really understand what she might be saying, but I think with a little context you can get the gist. She definitely likes to fuss at you if you tell her "NO" or take her away from something she really wanted to be doing. It's actually quite funny.
Lauren came home with her first homework - real homework since 1st grade was a month's worth of suggestions that did or did not have to be done. So far she has jumped into it and finished it right up when she gets home. Let's hope this trend continues so she'll be good at getting it done and then go out to play and wear out some of that extra energy.
I can't believe how quickly Kindergarten and First Grade went by. While I enjoy quick and easy days, I do find myself trying to make each one count with the girls. They will only be little this one time and so on days that are hard, whiney or extremely difficuly I try my best to be thankful for my sweet little ones. I kiss them everynight and tuck them into bed. I pray over them constantly. I am so proud of my girls. They are good friends and very smart. I look forward to everything La is going to learn this year. I hope she masters the art of Math and continues to keep up with her reading.
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